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How do I completely turn off the t:slim X2 insulin pump?

If you will not be using your t:slim X2 for a long period of time, you can turn it off and put it into storage mode. To activate storage mode in your pump:- Connect it to the USB cable that came with the pump and plug it into a power supply. Hold down the power button for 30 to 40 seconds. The pump will beep three times before going into storage mode. Disconnect the power supply and keep the pump in a cool dry place, protected from dust. When you need to turn the pump on again, connect it to the USB cable that came with the pump and plug it into a power supply. The pump should have held enough power to allow it to work for a few seconds. If the battery is completely drained it may take a few minutes to power on. The following video demonstrates how to turn off your t:slim X2 insulin pump.

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