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What does Max Hourly Bolus Alert mean?

In the previous 60 minutes, you requested total bolus delivery that is more than 1.5 times your Max Bolus setting.

1. Tap X to return to the Bolus screen and adjust the bolus delivery amount.

2. Tap ✔ to confirm the bolus.

3. The default setting for Max Bolus is 10 units but can be set to any value between 1 to 25 units. To adjust the Max Bolus setting, tap OPTIONS > MY PUMP > PERSONAL PROFILES > PUMP SETTINGS > MAX BOLUS

Note: it is always recommended that you consult with your healthcare team before making any settings adjustments.

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Air Liquide Healthcare UK is committed to improving quality of life for people with diabetes. Our healthcare teams provide patients and their loved ones with education, support and personalisation of care.

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