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April 2024

"For the first time I feel my diabetes and stress of average blood glucose is not the main focus of my life"


The t:slim X2 and Control-IQ has been life changing for me. I have been type 1 for 23 years and have never had stable blood glucose. My average glucose has always been around 12mmol. Over the last few years my time in range was around 30%, 30% high and 30% very high.
After my first 7 days of wearing the t:Slim, I am 88% in range and 11% High. I was taken aback by these figures as I have only had to bolus with meals. For the first time I feel my diabetes and stress of average blood glucose is not the main focus of my life. I now only spend 5 minutes tweaking my profile every few days based on my Glooko report to make my t:slim work harder while I feel better and enjoy life. Control-IQ helps increase insulin delivery and delivers an automatic correction bolus when my glucose levels start to rise without me even knowing. Management of my diabetes has become so much simpler and easier. Wearing the pump is hardly noticeable. I use the sleep activity at night which has been a life changer with the quality of my sleep as I wake up every morning with a straight line between 6 and 7mmol. I honestly wish I decided to go on the pump years ago.

About Making Diabetes Easier

Air Liquide Healthcare UK is committed to improving quality of life for people with diabetes. Our healthcare teams provide patients and their loved ones with education, support and personalisation of care.

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